Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Revolution Of LI Fi Technology Products

By Melissa Young

Thank professor Harald Haas for being the brains behind the neologism, Li-Fi. He dreamt of being the leader in visible light communication technology and subsequently light fidelity is a visible light communications system which runs wireless communications. Like Wi-Fi, LI Fi Technology Products are facilities that allow computers, smartphones, and other devices to connect to the internet or communicate with each other wirelessly.

We all familiar with Wi-Fi which generally works by using radio waves to change data into content but in the case of that system, light waves are used instead of radio waves. For the light fidelity system to work, the data had to be converted using light signals. Light waves work because the LED light bulb works as a semiconductor allowing for a constant flow of electricity supplied to the LED bulb can be dimmed at very high speeds. The thing about LED bulbs is that unlike other halogens and light bulbs, these LED bulbs have no warm up time and can be switched on rather quickly. Quickly enough to not even be noticed by the naked eye.

Light fidelity technology has jumped onto the popularity bandwagon with a big boom. The creators of those appliances, Pure-Li-Fi have begun to join forces with French lighting companies such as Lucibel to launch their head-turning creation. The Pure-Li-Fi company has since launched products which allow for li-fi connections to be established.

Light fidelity is known to be speedier than the common Wi-Fi. Believe it or not, li-fi is said to have a 224-gigabytes speed rate per second making it undeniably fast. Truth be told we cannot base our move to the li-fi system entirely on the speed of download. One needs to be solid in their belief that li-fi is the best way to advance forward.

The major setback of using that system is the need to harness visible light for the system to actually work. The light signal can in no way pass through walls so needless to say LED light bulbs to have to be connected throughout the entire house to ensure connectivity. For connectivity to occur the light bulbs or LED lights to need to be switched on meaning that even in daylight, lights would need to remain on to ensure connectivity.

The speed of li-fi can in no way be denied to be this type of connectivity s best asset. Due to the increased speed, data can be transferred at much higher levels and much more devices will be able to connect to each other with ease.

Unlike the Wi-Fi which allows for communication and download using radio antennas, circuits and rather intense and complicated receivers. The li-fi connection system works at simplifying connectivity and uses a direct modulation method. The LED bulbs used for modulation have rather high intensities and can obtain large data rates.

Wi-Fi and Li-Fi are two peas in a pod both with their own perks and considerations. Either or is advancing and evolving to meet the demands of the future of communication. The promise behind the li-fi system is undeniable appealing and it s hard not to fall prey to a faster and better communication system.

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