Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Case For Switching To Integrated IT Services

By Daniel Reed

In recent years, enterprise applications have transformed from being an option to become an absolute necessity. This has mostly been driven by the growing importance of data. Although most small business owners are aware of the importance of IT services Delray Beach FL, it still proves difficult to justify their adoption. This is why they prefer to do it on a one-by-one basis, which eventually leads to the isolation of processes within the entity.

As you'll probably agree, having siloed business systems often creates more problems than it solves. Much can be said about their performance on an individual basis, but the lack of integration between them often creates more problems than it solves. Perhaps the biggest challenge of having such a setup is the inability to coordinate efforts across departments. This explains why more firms are switching to integrated platforms, and there are some good reasons why you too should consider it:

Save Time: An integrated platform will eliminate the need to trawl through multiple systems looking for information. Not only will this speed up access to data, but also shrink the amount of time it takes to onboard new employees. Ultimately, more man hours will be spent on core business functions thanks to the efficiency gains realized here.

Cost Savings: Compared to separate platforms, an integrated system will always cost less to procure and install. The savings realized here will further be compounded by a decrease in your ongoing IT costs (i. E. Lower subscription fees). There's also the potential to cut down your stationery requirements, plus the costs related to the same.

Data Integrity and Security: With an integrated solution on board, you'll no longer have to export or import data across systems. This will greatly minimize its likelihood of being compromised by user error. Your IT team will also have an easier time deploying and updating security mechanisms. This will help in controlling unauthorized access to your intellectual capital.

Better Analysis: System integration will pave way for the centralization of your data storage mechanisms. The update infrastructure will also be streamlined, thus ensuring that your new database will stay abreast with developments. When combined with the analytical tools that will form part of the system, this will inject a high degree of accuracy into your analytical processes.

Improved Flexibility: Having a central data repository means your team will be able to spot developments as they emerge. More importantly, your processes will be better streamlined with a unified system on board. This will in turn make it easier to adapt your workflow in the face of unexpected setbacks, changing marketplaces and new breakthroughs.

Ultimately, deploying an integrated platform is one of the most effective ways to enhance productivity without sacrificing your bottom line. It's also an effective way to eliminate bottlenecks in your communication channels. This goes in line with the fact that no business function takes place in isolation. With this in mind, it wouldn't make sense to put up with fragmented platforms for any longer.

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