Monday, September 17, 2018

About Pressurized Liquid Extraction System

By Harold Myers

Well what do we have here? A topic involving chemicals and dangerous liquids that children or unprofessionals should never have responsibility to tackle with? Lucky us, we fit neither criteria of being professionals or adults. We just suck that much. So strap yourselves in because we are going to compact and neutralize anything that we know about Pressurized Liquid Extraction System.

Ace had been seven years old, making it seven years since he died as Portgas D. Ace. He has spent seven of his years confused and depressed, as he realized that, yes, he DID die and that yes, he was reborn with all of his memories intact. He now is named Ace D. Gambit, which was funny because not even death could take out the letter D to his name.

Gray Fullbuster is not so much as a mage as he is a freaking stripper. With his power being the use of ice, he got so used to being cold old the time that he just randomly strips in most random times. This is also the effect of his training days with Ul back when he was still a little kid with Lyon.

That does not even count the pressure we were on when we have to make sure this stretches out more than five hundred words in nine paragraphs. Then we have to rewrite it two freaking times and make sure they do not end up being similar. Do you know how much time we always waste just by thinking of other synonyms?

His current father, Ron, was an amazing dad before he died. A hard working man who loved to always spoil his son absolutely rotten. He had the money to give Ace everything he wanted, whether that be toys or food or sweets since he worked as a highly respected comelec chairman in the province.

Gildarts Clive is probably the strongest mage in all of the show. We cannot really explain what his power is, but his strength is reminiscent in the way we feel when see All Might in the other anime My Hero Academia. Whenever he appears, no matter how strong and scary the opponent is, you can always count on him to save the day.

The reason he died last time was because of the government too. Corrupt and power hungry bastards who will not think twice to get rid of someone just because they pose as a threat. Is it poetic irony that he lost his second, third?, father to it? In fact, why does he keep getting entangled with them anyway?

Is it karma? Because he had done so much sin as a pirate when he got the body of an adult? Is it because this is supposed to be his repentance? To keep on losing beloved people? Or because he is the son of the most hated man back in his old life?

There you have it. An enumeration of some anime characters not involving this topic whatsoever. We told you our minds are a bit loopy already, so do not hate us for changing the topic.

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