Monday, July 30, 2018

Examples Of Emerging Technology Risk

By Donald Graham

Times have changed and keep on turning from time to time as inventions are introduced to simplify processes and thus improve productivity. Many individuals and firms have rated this as being highly effective in aiding things around work and primary activities like communication. However, there is an Emerging technology risk that very few are aware of as they implement these systems. This has caused losses to many as they are not easily noticed until the effect is extreme and they include the following.

Companies no longer value contribution of human beings in work as they already have machines carrying out their work. One goal that every company moves towards is a reduction of total costs involved in production and having employees adds to the same. The discovery of systems such as robots and automation has enabled this and which in return has led to a loss of employment for many people.

Loss of privacy and intellectual property has been connected to increase and development of technology. Controlling personal information is relatively hard nowadays as cases of cyber insecurity have increased. Hacking has been a consistent problem which has made it hard to keep any confidential information on online platforms for many people. This has also made it hard for people to develop their creations and benefit from them as a result of theft of intellectual property.

Over-dependence on technology has reduced the level of thinking for many people. This can be seen from the simple calculations that one faces in daily life where instead of doing it manually, many people always prefer using items such as calculators. This has limited creativity and made it hard for people to think and develop without the presence of these pieces of equipment and applications.

Additionally, this has been a leading contributor of environmental pollution. Global warming has had a massive contribution from technology as individuals and companies seek to have systems that are effective without giving attention to their effect. Much of the waste that results from this area is highly dangerous when left unattended or if attended poorly as it causes an effect on plants and animal life and eventually to humans.

A dilapidation of human relations is noted with an introduction of technology-based systems. Social media poses a threat to human interactions and so does other systems since they carry away the former physical interactions. Individuals tend to concentrate on work and other activities all the time since this has been enabled by applications and systems which are accessible from anywhere cutting human interactions.

An increase in warfare has greatly been associated with these advancements. Many of the developed nations do not require to take their soldiers to war as they have systems that can take care of this area. Though it has enabled protection and security, it has also triggered many wars which have led to the loss of lives for those who are involved and destruction of property. This is a negative side that outweighs the positive side of defense.

Lastly, there has been a development of health issues as a result of these applications and products. As a result of usage of these pieces and also disposal issues, health issues have come up and have affected users and innocent persons. The systems build have contributed to issues like cancer development and other severe conditions. Most of these are associated with poor management of the products.

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