Saturday, July 28, 2018

Common Mistakes Made In Website Design Tucson AZ Entrepreneurs Often Commit

By William Johnson

If you're just starting a new business or want to promote your creative talents, you may decide to save money and create your own online site. There is software available to help you do it. Unless you are an experienced designer however, you may spend time, money, and a lot of effort and still not get the results you want. It probably isn't the business or talent that is lacking. It's more likely that you have fallen into some common traps that make website design Tucson AZ entrepreneurs attempt less than successful.

It's tempting to try out all the bells and whistles your new software package advertises. It may look great to you, even though it takes a lifetime to load. Potential users won't be so impressed. They will abandon your site without ever laying eyes on your cool graphics if it takes more than a few seconds to pull up. The solution is to give up some of the graphics in favor of speed. The efficiency of your site should be a key element in its design.

Putting too much on the web pages is another common mistake. If you have too many photos and blocks of text that don't have a coherent presence, the user's eye doesn't know where to go. Most users value content and usability over flashy graphics. The solution is to keep it simple. Leave space between blocks of text and divide up your content.

In your attempt to get the user enthusiastic about your offer, you may over sell with uninterrupted blocks of black text. When someone goes to your site, it should be easy to find what they are looking for. No one wants to scroll through a mountain of words to find the one sentence that answers their question.

You can avoid this mistake easily by breaking up the text, using headlines and pictures. Most people are visual. If they see a picture of what they're looking for, they will go right to. You can make your headlines prominent by enlarging the font or using color.

You can't assume that the users know what you want them to do. You have to spell it out to potential customers. The call to action must be concise, clear, and consistent in message. Burying it in the text or giving the user confusing instructions will result in a lost sale. The solution to this mistake is to give the call to action prominence on the page, and make instructions easy to follow.

Everybody has gone to a site at one time or another to find something that looks like it was created on one of the earliest computers on the market. This makes most people suspicious of the business. They believe that the site is probably representative of the product or service being offered. If you've afraid you are guilty of this, you have to change.

Your website will make a huge difference to your bottom line. You may think the design doesn't matter if the product or service is compelling. That idea has been proven wrong thousands of times over.

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