Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Facts About Computer Forensics Investigation

By Sharon Wallace

Computer forensics is a relatively new field of work. The reason for this is because threats to cyber installations have never been as rampant as they are today. In recent years, the number of cyber-attacks has tripled thus the necessity to have plans in place to tackle the problem should it arise. Worldwide response to these threats was further researching into this field, especially on cyber-attacks which was followed by implementation of new courses. These new courses were implemented in learning institutions as a way of dealing with the threats.

Computer forensics examiners, specialists and analysts are some of the names given to individuals specializing in the digital forensic investigation field. In their duties, they focus on discovering and ensuring data on digital devices is safe. Reporting on the condition of digital devices is also within the job description of computer forensics investigation specialists. Hard drives, DCs, electronic files, computing systems, documents and other storage devices are among the digital media these investigators work with.

This field is growing at a very fast rate and it includes many branches that are related to networks, databases, mobile devices, and firewalls among many others. Being a specialist in this field can land one work with a wide range of employers, including local, state, and federal governments. One can also find work with banks, law firms, software development companies, accounting firms, and learning institutions among others.

All the institutions that have computing systems, need to have the systems protected all the time. This is always very essential. Besides that, the institutions should seek to find out repercussions of a cyber-attack if it happens. Therefore, to protect digital devices, it is advisable for any firm that handles computing systems to substantial level to have digital forensic examiners as employees.

Digital forensic investigators may choose to work on a full-time basis with an employer, or they may choose to work as contractors. Working on a full-time basis with an employer means that one cannot work with other clients except the employer. On the other hand, contractors are free to contract as many clients as they can manage. Investigators usually have a choice to make between these two options.

Professionals in this line of work handle a wide range of duties. Most of their services are based on collection of digital information. The gathered information is then presented to the customer who put it to different use including bringing law suits against an entity. Also, these professionals explain to their client how hackers may get into computing system and possible ways of preventing such incidents.

Retrieving files, either from spoiled storage media or those in proper state and cannot be accessed are also other duties of investigators. When information cannot be accessed, it may be because of encryption or one may have deliberately or unintentionally deleted the files. Analyzing the information and making data reports about their discoveries is what investigators do too.

Considering that it is a relatively new line of work, it implies that it is quite promising. Also, this field is more attractive to individuals and student interested in it because of the ever growing cyber-attack threats. But, all applicants must meet the set professional and academic requirements prior to joining this job line.

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