Saturday, April 14, 2018

Duties Of A Computer Forensic Investigator

By Timothy Cox

Technology has opened up many doors over the past few years. This is by creating career opportunities that were not there a few years ago. It also simplifies the manner in which tasks are done ensuring that a shorter amount of time is used. Those interested in a career as a computer forensic investigator need to understand the kind of tasks that are usually carried out.

Protect the software used by a company from hackers. These are individuals with the ill intention of reaping where they did not sow. They usually plant malware in computer systems preventing them from functioning, as they should. They, later on, ask for money forcing those affected to give what they have. These professionals put up a firewall and other protective measures, which can help the client.

Recover data from devices. Some damaged devices have useful information that will vanish unless this expert steps in. The investigator may try to salvage the hard drive to find out if there is any useful information on it. In case helpful information had been deleted, these experts make use of the tools at their disposal to try to get this information. Even though only a section of data is obtained, it can really offer so much help.

Go through the electronic evidence. Inspect it from beginning to end to ensure it has not been fabricated. One needs to know how to handle this, especially when in court. If the information is said to be false, it will be taken down and such claims disputed. This means that one should not be quick to believe evidence given to the judge.

Use read-only software when working with a device. As stated, the person will only be able to read the information and not make any changes. If an individual intends to make changes to the information, it is necessary to create a copy to work with and leave the original untouched. Any outsider who gets access to these details will not be able to fabricate information to suit their needs.

Investigate cyber-crime. This can be done using the internet protocol address. This will give information on the location of the user, their email address, and details on the local service provider. The latter usually contains information on all the things a person does on the internet. These companies do not store data for long; therefore, those who want to take this route need to move fast.

Come up with reports on the findings. After examining all the evidence that has been found, a report needs to be written down. The individual needs to have good writing skills. Moreover, it is important to capture what happened in few details. This will come in handy during the court session. The information obtained can be helpful in determining whether a person is guilty or not.

Collaborate with the police during the investigation. These experts may not be allowed into certain buildings without a permit. Some of them may not even have a badge of authority that may let people allow them into their property. When police step in with their badges and warrants, this gives the investigators a chance to search every environment that they are interested in properly.

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