Saturday, September 16, 2017

The Importance Of Data Analytics For The Doj

By Cynthia Watson

Data analytics is the process of inspecting, transforming, cleansing, and modeling information with the intention of discovering helpful facts, supporting decision-making and suggesting conclusions. It is common in business, social sciences, and in science. Data analytics for the DoJ can be done with the intention discovering any hidden information.

Data mining is a kind of analysis technique that focuses on knowledge discovery for prediction purposes. On the other hand, business intelligence involves analysis concerned with the business information. In statistical applications, this kind of analysis can be classified into confirmatory analysis, descriptive statistics, and exploratory analysis. Explanatory analysis tries to discover new facts in particular information. Confirmatory analysis is commonly used to confirm a given hypothesis.

Statistical models are commonly used in predictive analytics for classification reasons. Text analytics applies linguistic, statistical, and structural techniques to acquire information from a given area hence classifying it. The process of getting raw figures and converting them so that they can be used for decision making is called data analysis. Collected and analyzed figures may be used for purposes like answering questions, disproving theories, and testing hypothesis.

The process of analyzing information is normally a long one and it might be put into various groups. This is done with intention of preventing incidents like confusions and other related problems. The initial phase is normally done considering the actual requirements of individuals who are in need of processed information. Depending on the type of results required, analysts will determine whether to collect categorical or numerical figures.

The required information can also be obtained from the sensors like recording devices, traffic cameras, and satellites situated in a given experimental unit. Analysts can also get the required figures by conducting interviews, reading documentations, and downloads from the internet. It is important to note that the accuracy of the results will be dependent on the information collected. This is the main reason why analysts need to be as accurate as possible otherwise misleading information may be acquired.

Processing of the collected information is a phase that comes immediately after information collection. This stage is usually done with the intention concluding why a given information appears the way it is. The best analysts use the right instruments and methods so as to enhance the accuracy of the entire procedure. At times, collected information is put in rows and also columns to make the entire procedure easy. Statistical software and also spreadsheets are places in which these procedures can be done.

Any information that has been organized or processed may contain errors, incomplete figures, or duplicates. Information cleaning phase helps in preventing and also correcting such errors. Common procedures performed during this phase are identifying quality, accuracy, and duplication of available information and record matching. This phase plays an essential role in enhancing the accuracy of the final outcome.

Exploratory analysis is another important phase because it helps in ensuring that message contained in unprocessed information is understood. During this stage, descriptive statistics like median or average can be generated so as to ensure the available figures are understood. Conclusions and recommendations are usually made after the processing process.

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