Sunday, March 17, 2019

Crucial Tips On The Grounding Rod

By Roger Edwards

Grounding bar are also used as the lightning rods for the tall buildings. Well, in case of a storm, there will be rain and lighting is a high possibility. Because of this, it is necessary that the building have them installed. The rods will be able to arrest the power surge and not break at any time. Once they arrest the power will be driven to the ground where it will be neutralized. Keep reading to know more about the grounding rod and how they are used.

When there is a storm, lightning is a high possibility. With this being the case, then you should know that a tall building is under threat. With no rod, the house can get electrocuted with anyone who is within range. This may cause serious injuries or even deaths. This means that for all the tall buildings need the grounding and lightning rods.

You may also be wondering what a lightning rod is. Well, a lightning rod is a metal rod, one that conducts electricity that is mounted on any structure including the bridges. These rods come in different shapes. Some will be sharp whereas others will be very blunt. The purpose will be to catch the electrical charge and then conduct it to the ground in the safest way possible.

Well, if you are going to install the bar, then you need to know more about them in the first place. The bar will be installed on the roof since the strikes happen to the tallest structure around. Once hit, the power would be driven straight to the ground where it is absorbed. This rids off any possible threat to damage and life in the occupants of the house.

Always make sure that you conduct a follow-up. What is a flow up in case of a lightning strike? Well, if you have a rod installed, there is always the option of doing an after the survey of the impact. The strike can damage the building in several ways. In this case, if you suspect that there has been a strike. Make sure that you make a point and access the damage.

You will also find out that some sophisticated building will use better rods to conduct the same business. In this case, they will not use one rod. They will use at least one rod for every corner of the roof. They will arrest the lighting and conduct the energy with connectors to one conductor straight to the ground. This one is more effective and also faster.

The usage of these rods will date back into the early 18th century. All this came from the discovery made by Franklin. He discovered the electricity and the rods themselves. He used them to harvest the energy from the strike. This made them common over the while.

Finally, the use of these rods has become common. In fact, you will find that almost all the houses have this rod on the roof. Most people will use it even for one storey buildings. Maybe as a decorative rod but not a lightning rod. With it, people can now stay calmer in their houses even where there is a storm in progress. Be smart and protect your family with this rod.

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