Sunday, October 14, 2018

Things To Know About Job Order Contracting

By Ann Kelly

Different organizations and project proponents are in the lookout for project delivery methods that will get numerous construction projects done in good time, faster and easily. This has been achieved with the use of Job Order Contracting as a delivery tool for construction work. A variety of developments involving renovation, repair and minor developments have been known to be successfully completed using this tool.

One of the most commonly used tool is the design-bid-build type which is still being used by some project owners currently. This tool involves the awarding of qualified designers who will take charge of the designing phase of the development and another different award to contractors for the construction phase. As much as it may be efficient, it is majorly process-oriented and brings a division among the proponent and the rest of the participants in the project.

Today proponents have indeed taken a preference to job order contracts making it a popular tool in the construction industry. This tool is more service-oriented which creates a proper working relationship among the project owner and the participants in the design and construction phase. Facility owners who have small to medium sized developments both public and private are the most common users of this tool.

The nature of this tool which involves saving time and money makes it to be highly used. Unlike the other tools, the individual will spend less time and money selecting companies for the design and contraction phases separately. Pricing expectations are usually precise and accurate in estimation which leads to the plan meeting its deadlines in good time.

Another advantage of this tool is that it is the best option for individual who are looking to complete a number of small and medium sized plans that involve renovation and repair. The proponent usually identifies the task to be done, giving a brief description, desired expectation and a brief on the dates and time for the task to be performed. The proponent will then proceed to ask for a request for proposal which could include the design, work scope and price proposal.

This tool also allows the owner, designer and the contractor to work closely to come up with the most economical method needed to perform the work. This is usually done in meetings and site visits for familiarization with the site. The request for proposal will then be forwarded to the owner for consideration and approval and if everything is agreed the owner will sign it off and the project will go on as scheduled.

In order for the proponent to experience the best work relation with the selected contractor, he or she has to carry out a background check. Since most individuals who have numerous developments being done concurrently and would prefer time to be used sparingly, checking on the previous work of the contractors will help the owner note whether they are true to their service delivery.

Contracting also requires the owner to be careful not to approve request for proposals from ghost companies. Checking on the availability of the company, credibility, physical address, asking from contacts that are actually reachable can be enough proof.

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