Monday, February 5, 2018

How The Raspberry Pi Helps The Top Web Design Companies

By Arthur Williams

The Raspberry Pi is a miniature, single-board computer that can be purchased to complete various projects. Not only can the device in question be used to play games and other entertainment purposes, but it may be used to create websites as well. Website design companies across the board will be able to see the capabilities of the Raspberry Pi soon enough. Here is what you should know about this device, as it relates to web development.

According to reputable companies like Lounge Lizard, the Raspberry Pi takes time to set up. It doesn't come complete out of the box, meaning that you'll have to take the time to install an operating system on the micro SD card, which will be inserted into the mini-computer itself. Fortunately, there exist a few starter kits that will make things easier for newbies. Furthermore, it will make the proposition of the Pi less intimidating for any website design company.

It's worth noting that while the Raspberry Pi can be used for web design, there are a few limitations to consider first. After all, due to its smaller size, it doesn't have the same capabilities of a traditional computer. Keep in mind that since the RAM is limited, you won't be able to have many apps open at once. Furthermore, if you try to keep multiple tabs open, performance may slow down. This is why you should experiment with the Pi before considering overclocking the device in question.

The Raspberry Pi is remarkable in terms of its hardware capabilities as well, as evidenced by the additional USB ports. With these, you can insert a mouse, keyboard, and even a flash drive for additional storage. Furthermore, if you'd like to connect your Pi to any display, the HDMI port will work to your benefit. These examples illustrate the user-friendliness of the mini-computer in question, as the essentials don't have to be sacrificed.

With this information in mind, hopefully you have been able to see how web design can be aided with the Raspberry Pi. The power that this computer packs, given its small size, can't be ignored. Furthermore, it will be able to complete a number of design and development-related tasks. If you're able to learn about this device, and are willing to put in the time, the potential of the Raspberry Pi will be realized.

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