Wednesday, December 13, 2017

3 Ways App Design Companies Create Puzzle Games

By Arthur Williams

From Bejeweled to Angry Birds, there's something about puzzle games that make them so inviting. To say that they're engaging would be an understatement, especially for those that are willing to invest the appropriate amount of time into them. With that said, there are many new app design companies that don't know the first thing about creating mobile games like these. Here are 3 ways that the process in question can be made easier.

If you're curious to learn about the development of puzzle games, the best projects seem to start with simplicity. One of the rules of creating a mobile game, according to companies such as Lounge Lizard, is to make it easy to learn and difficult to master. After all, you have to appeal to a wider audience while accounting for the smaller size of the average smartphone screen. The most reputable mobile app development specialist would be hard-pressed to disagree.

Mobile games, especially ones that fall under the puzzle genre, should be satisfying to the human condition. Let's say that, for the sake of argument, that you're involved in a game of Tetris. Even if the game continually gets tougher, one of the reasons why Tetris allures people is the possibility of clearing several lines in a row. There's something satisfying about this occurrence, which speaks volumes about visual stimulation in gaming.

What about the way that your puzzle games will run on numerous devices? Optimization matters if you're planning on releasing your app on more than a single platform. What this means is that if your game runs well on a Fire tablet but poorly on an iPhone, there's a possibility that the game in question wasn't optimized well. The more attention you place on this, the more likely it is that your app will be downloaded and played.

For those that are looking to get into app design, hopefully these puzzle game creation tips will help you in the long term. There's no denying the fact that the development of the games in question is a taxing process. This doesn't mean that the rewards aren't worthwhile, especially if your game catches fire among a larger audience. The more that you know about design, the better the projects you work on will end up becoming.

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