Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Tips And Suggestions For Creating Interesting Art Design Piney Flats TN Artists Find Effective

By William Evans

When people retire a lot of them try new things, and painting and drawing are among the favorites. If you want to start painting, but lack any formal training, the idea might seem intimidating. You could take some classes, or you could try out some of the tips on composition and art design Piney Flats TN seniors have learned to use.

There is no one way to paint a picture. That is the beauty of art. You should never feel like you are doing something wrong. There are ways to improve composition however, and taking control of the viewer's eye is something to strive for. Art can provoke, disturb, inform, please, and make political statements. It's all in the way you handle shape, tone and color.

The Golden Ratio was inspired by the ancient Greeks' experimentation with ideal proportion. Whether it was math, science, politics, physical appearance, or art, they strove for perfection. The ratio that resulted, 1:1.62, was considered the perfect rectangle. Try checking the dimensions of your library book or credit card, and you will see we still adhere to these measurements. If you try using the formula, you might be surprised at how well it works.

The rule of thirds is one of the most common elements of design. It consists of dividing your canvas in thirds horizontally and vertically. If you place your main elements on the lines, or where they cross, you will create a strong design the eye understands. Of course, you never want to become too formulaic, but this is a great concept you should experiment with.

Implied lines are extremely powerful, and not everyone realizes why their eyes travel over a painting in a particular way. Outlining isn't necessary to create a sense of movement, especially if your painting is realistic. Lines can be made by using contrasting colors and different tonal values. The eye will follow an implied line until it meets another one of equal strength.

The Renaissance masters pretty much perfected the art of contrast or chiaroscuro. If you look at a painting by Rembrandt, da Vinci, or Caravaggio, you will begin to understand how powerful this technique is. If you want to emphasize an area, one of the easiest ways to do it is by using contrasting colors. This is why your eye is drawn to the white point of light surrounded by black. Try it out, and you will see what they so clearly understood.

Angling your subject matter is another technique, or trick, that will instantly make your whole painting more interesting. It gives the scene the feeling of movement and action that can be very effective. You might try sketching a drawing one way, then tilting an element off balance in another to see which one of them you like best.

If you have plenty of time to indulge your new hobby, you should try out all kinds of compositional strategies. Some will work for you and others won't. It doesn't really matter if you are satisfied with the results.

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