Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Information About Full Body Scanners

By Edward Reed

Insecurity has forced technology to grow faster than it could be. The is always a need for ensuring that people gathering at a particular place are always protected owing to the increased cases of terror attacks and possession of unacceptable devices. This makes it important that one gets general facts regarding full body scanners.

Body scanners are special technological devices that have been used to replace metal detectors in identifying any items that have been carried by an individual without having to frisk them. They have found their place in airports since they can detect not only metallic items but also non-metallic items including powdery and liquid components.

The need of having this new technology applicable in our systems is because of the need to know what people carry with them especially in airplanes. Most terror attacks are attributed to people carrying an unauthorized device into planes at this is a major risk. More so, drug trafficking has become another challenge that needed emergency attention.

An elaborated place where this technology is in full application is the airport. The use of this system depends on the knowledge of laser beams and x-rays which have the penetration power even through a body. As the rays pass through the body of an individual an image of them showing their internal parts is displayed and through this, it can be possible to check if they are carrying prohibited items.

The system and the technology used can be such that it can automatically detect any illegal item or even it takes the work of the security guy to check and identify any suspicious item that is within the person. In most cases the systems data is fed with the potential items that are unauthorized and once any of them is detected then an automatic alarm is started.

Body scanners have been able to be the ultimate substitute of gadgets that were used to detect metals. These machines advantage over metal detectors is that they can be able to identify a wide range of materials made from different materials including drugs. This is unlike metal detectors which can only detect metallic materials.

There has been a growing concern of the ethical and health issues regarding these devices. There are those who fear health hazards concerning the rays used. There are those believe that exposure to these waves has a high possibility of causing cancer which is still an ambiguous issue. More so, the aspect of privacy has always become a worry too as it can both be used for good and for bad.

All in all these drawbacks that seem to come with these devices should never be an issue since privacy has been well solved owing to the oath of privacy that each staff has to take before undertaking their roles. By this, therefore, the personal details that can be observed during the scan will only be confidential between the individual and the security people. The aids that have come with this system have been effective.

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