Friday, December 4, 2015

Types Of Seedboxes

By Wanda Rosner

A seedbox is a virtual private or dedicated server which is used to share the torrent file or commonly known as seed files. The torrent file once created, downloaded and it starts running in a torrent client, the torrent starts downloading from everyone seeding the file. What the seed does is share the torrent file to put less pressure on the bandwidth on the server. You can simply connects this with a website that you visit with high downloads; you do find the download speeds affected due to the traffic in the website.

There are different types of seedboxes available for every operating system. If you are about to use the seedboxes then you have the option to choose from the seedbox for Windows, Mac, Linux, etc. there are number of websites that provide seed hosting services and you can choose from them.

A seedbox is a high speed server that is used mostly for torrent downloads and uploads. It is a type of hosting server that might not be needed by various internet users, where it is mandatory for other users. There are a lot of reasons why people use the seedbox. Most of them use it for fast download, nowadays people love to download music and movie files from the internet.

Having slow speed of internet, might take several minutes to download even a single music file and more than an hour to download a complete movie. Now there are many people who are patient and wait for their download to complete, where other want to make it real fast. People who want to get faster downloads spend a lot of money to get unlimited bandwidth seedbox. With the use of seedbox the torrent files can be downloaded at a fast rate. For example the music files can be downloaded within few seconds and the movies can be downloaded within few minutes.

The seedbox hosting will allow you to add up your own server, you will also be given full control and complete root access to your service. As there are number of websites available that provides you with dedicated seedboxes. You have number of options to choose from, if you are a windows user and want to opt for a windows seedbox package and you are looking for a seedbox for windows XP, windows 7 or any other. Other than the given windows if you want you can have your own ISO, for having your own customized setup.

The seedboxes can run on major operating systems such as the windows, Mac, Linux etc. you can also find various expensive seedboxes that might provide VNC connections, or look for remote desktop protocols on some windows based seedboxes, that allows many popular torrent clients to run remotely.

The seedbox does not need you to have a limit to your internet bandwidth. The traffic that the seedbox gets to you does not add up to the data usage that the internet service providers gives to you. There is a capping used by the internet providers to make sure they provide the same reliability of service to every user. It is a major problem for the heavy internet users but the problems can be solved by using the dedicated servers.

Seedboxes that run on high speed networks are able to download large files in a very short period of time, providing that the network can handle such high upload bandwidth. In general seedboxes are found to have a download and an upload limit of 100MBps. This simply means that a file of 1 GB can be downloaded in almost two minutes and the same file can be uploaded or shared to various clients at same speed making the ratio equal. The seedboxes are generally used by the users to maintain the ratio of upload and download and be popular among the private torrent trackers.

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1 comment:

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