Tuesday, July 15, 2014

How To Evaluate A Hotel Property Management System

By Rosella Campbell

In recent years tourism has grown to be one of the biggest industries on earth. More people travel to foreign climes than ever before. Of course, this massive increase has led to the development of numerous hospitality establishments and the competition for the business of travelers is fierce. It is vital to have a state of the art hotel property management system in order to make profits and to compete with numerous competitors.

The core of any managing program is its booking component. It is vital to keep records of the arrivals and departures. Nothing is as damaging to the reputation of an establishment as muddled bookings. It is also very important to record special guest needs such as special dietary requirements and the need for special facilities for disabled guests. Sometimes guests require business services and access to a vehicle, for example.

No hospitality establishment charges standard rates to all their guests. Repeat guests and tour operators, for example, are often offered better rates. It is vital to keep track of the various rates applicable to every booking. If this is not done the client may feel inconvenienced and this needs to be avoided at all cost. A good managing system will have a customer database that keeps track of the rates as well as special requirements.

Guests do not want to deal with time consuming administration and they do not want to be kept waiting either when arriving or departing. A managing program should therefore be able to keep all information relevant to every guest up to date at all times. This means that various departments such as the restaurant, bar and housekeeping departments must be able to update guest records.

Large hospitality groups normally employ IT departments that develop their managing software in house. Smaller establishments can choose between several software packages specifically developed with the hospitality industry in mind. When considering such packages it is important to ensure that it is fully integrated. Poorly designed software requires users to provide the same input for each component. This wastes time and it increases the risk or error.

The competitive nature of the tourism industry requires hospitality establishments to plan very carefully. This can only be done if accurate information and statistics are available. The managing system should be able to provide this information and to empower the establishment to spot trends and opportunities. It should be able to provide reports in just about any format.

One of the biggest catastrophes that can hit a hospitality establishment is to be off line. It is therefore vital that one of the prime considerations when evaluating software must be the level of support that can be expected. In fact, there should be a written agreement with the supplier and training should be part and parcel of the deal.

In the highly competitive tourism industry it is establishments with access to reliable data that are able to spot the trends and to make informed decisions. Managing programs can help owners to save money when it ca be saved and to increase their profitability, thus ensuring the long term success of the enterprise.

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